Friday, February 8, 2013

Moving Day

I smiled as I hung up. I had just called Kayla to come home. It was time for some last minute birthdays before the move!

Luke as a child. He decided to keep his toddler hairstyle, not wanting to bother with brushing his hair. He says he doesn't need to get distracted when he's playing sports. The second he aged up, he started begging me to take him fishing. I just laughed and told him maybe soon.

Sapphire as a child. She's definitely changed from her crazy toddler ways. She kept her toddler hairstyle as well, saying it suited her. I couldn't agree more. 

Chase as a child, the only triplet to change their hairstyle. It makes him unique and he loves that.  

Bella as a tot. She appears to have gotten a mixture of Isaac's and my hair. She's very quiet and enjoys being alone, and goes out of her way to make my life easier. 

Then it was time to move! Everyone loaded into a taxi and chattered excitedly as we drove. It was quite cramped, but there was a feeling of optimism in the air of the taxi. 

We passed this on the way there. Something about nuclear power... 

Walking up to our home. 

This is what you see when you walk in. 

Living room


Downstairs bathroom


Dining room

Girl's Room

Girl's Bathroom

Boy's Room

Boys Bathroom

My Room

My Bathroom




First Floor

Second Floor

This house was built completely by me. I may put in the exchange, we'll see. :) 

Hey! That rhymed.



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