Friday, April 19, 2013

Small Update

The next post might take a while.

I really enjoy writing for this blog, but it's become a pain lately.

And before, you ask, I'm not quitting.

The save has become incredibly laggy. It will freeze up every time I click a Sim. Editing the house? Forget it.

So while I fix the save, I'll be working on the fourth legacy that I've attempted. Find it here.

Now, here's a small rant.

I've honestly wish I had never gotten Generations. I didn't have a single error code before then. Now I get them every hour or so. The features aren't even worth it. The pranks get old quickly and teaching teens to drive is a pain. Two new traits and no towns. Yipee. The imaginary friends are really annoying and have a habit of blocking doors. They don't leave the child Sim alone.
How do you uninstall it?